Saturday, May 8, 2010


   Everyone in knows what facebook is and almost everyone who has one is addicted to it. LOL I know I am. I have no idea what it is about facebook, but it is so interesting. I love using facebook to chat with old friends, to find old friends and post pictures of GABBA so her family can see since we are so far away from everybody. I check it eveyday wondering if someone sent me a message, commented one my picture or post, and just to see what everyone else is up to. I guess you can say facebook for me is like greggs video games. LOL

   I am always careful about the things I put on facebook because it is an online social network that could b dangerous. There are so many predators out there that are waiting for you to mess up so that they can hack your stuff and steal your information. So remember to always be careful about the information you share.


   It has always amazed me how guys are so into video games. Whether it be sports games, killing games, pokemon type games, XBOX, PS3, DS etc. I just don't know what it is that is so intriguing. How can guys sit on a games for hours at a time and never get bored.

    Gregg and his friends are so into playing CALL OF DUTY. They play it online, they have there little headset to talk to eachother. It is really funny. They can stay on the game all night and all day. They would probably never stop if they didn't have to work. LOL

   So what is it that is so interesting about video games? Can someone please tell me? Is playing a video game to boys like shopping is to girls? LOL

  I'm just wondering. I try to watch Gregg play all the time but after so long it is just so boring. Really, how can you play 10 football games in a row on XBOX?

  I might never understand what it it that is so interesting, but I'd rather Gregg have that one, then some of these other hobbies guys have. Maybe one day I might eve try to play it myself? We shall see. That's it for now :) <3

My baby sister...

   I almost cried last night when my little sister texted me a picture of herself about to go to prom. She was all dolled up, with her pretty blue dress, hair done, etc.  She loooked so beautiful, so grown up. It is still hard for me to believe that she is a senior this year. I can still remember growing up sharing a room with her. Playing barbies, watching our favorite tv shows, and fighting over EVERTHING! lol. It doesn't even seem like that long ago. Now she is a senior. Straight A student, in every club you can think of and the some, softball player, valedictorian, and still my baby sister. I don't think that she knows how proud I am of her. I tell her all the time but I don't think that she truley understands. I love her so much and I am so proud of the young lady that she has become today!!! Now she is going to graduate on May 18th 2010, and I am so happy that I will get to be there, even though I have missed so much. Then she is off to IOWA STATE!!!


  These past two months i have been playing volleyball on an intermural team on base. I was really excited to get started because I hadn't been playing sports for so long. I really missed being so active and playing a sport that i love. I started out playing volleyball when i was in middle school. I had never really thought about playing on a team but when i was in gym one day we were playing volleyball. One of the volleyball coaches was our p.e. teacher. When she saw me playing she told me that I should try ut for the team. I did and I have been playing ever since. I feel in loved with the game. It kept me active, moving, and i could direct all of my extra energy that had towards it. I grew to love the game more and more each year. It was just so fun to me. Out of high school I had a scholarship to go play at a private university. Even to this day I sort of wish that I had taken them up on their offer, but then I remember why i didn't and look at my life I have and i'm grateful that I made the decision that I did. So for now I play on my intermural team. ... :) <3

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First time Parents

          When our daughter was born she was so small and so fragile. Even more than the normal newborn because she was a preemie. Born at 26 weeks weighing 1lb 12.5 oz, Gabrielle was our miracle. We never imagined that the pregnancy would turn out like this. I had a normal pregnancy with no major issues up until the few weeks before she was born. It was sad becuase we didn't even get to hold her until days after she came into the world. we could barely touch her. When we did get to hold her for the first time, it was very scary. She was so tiny and almost fit in the palm of my hand. As each day went by, we got to hold her more and got more comfortable with her size. I had been around a lot of babies before so I knew the basic, unlike her dad. It was so cute watching him put on her diaper or putting her binky in her mouth. It seemed really weird but being able to do the slightest thing with her meant the world. For a couple of hours a day I was able to be mommy and he was able to be daddy. It is what got us through. I was so glad they didn't move her to a different hospital like they talked about before she was born. It was great having her right down the hall while I was at work.

         When she was able to come home, it was the best feeling in the world. I felt like i had just given birth, and like i was bringing my baby home for the first time like normal parents do. I loved being home with her everyday. I was home for three whole weeks just relaxing with my baby girl. Daddy looked foward to coming home everyday an spending time with us. Gabrielle is the light of our life. As the days go by, it is hard to believe that she has grown so much. Each day is a miracle all its own. Being able to hold her, play with her, laugh, feed her, change her diaper, or just lay around and relax with her.

     Yes at time it gets really hard, like when she stays up all night and you have to be to work early, or when she has three doctors appointments in one week, all on different days, or when she throws up every where, but even all those things make it great. Being a first time parent is great.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


On top of everything else that has been going on, i have also transferred departments in the hospital and I work in a clinic now instead of the inpatient ward. I have only been down here about 2 weeks and I think i already have the hang of things. It is very interesting and I am learning a lot of new skills. It is nice being able to see a lot of people in one day. Up on the ward it felt as if we were secluded from everyone else. We felt so apart from everyone else. It was kind of cool because we weren't bothered by many people, but we also didn't know when things were happening (like potlucks and bake sales). So it is kind of interesting being donw (not on the fourth floor) where everything is happening. I am loving the patient care that we do down here. You get to see a lot of new and interesting things, watching minor procedures and what not. There is a lot going on in this clinic. A lot of people doing a lot of things so i am learning a lot. I have only been here barely 2 weeks and im already going solo (as a corpsman). I have a year left here so ill be running this place by the time I leave. LOL well thats all for now.


Friday, April 23, 2010


Last week we went on vacation for the first time since August 2009. We went down to a small town called Lyons, Georgia to visit Gregg's family. It was very nerve wrecking to me because it was the first time I was meeting the family. Although I had taked to his mother all the time on the phone all the time, and also his sisters, it was just meeting them face to face. We decided to drive down there, which was very interesting. It was an 8 hour drive from Virginia to Georgia. We got there at about 345 in the morning so we just called it a night because we were so tired. The next morning we went to his mother's house and met her and then his step-father came home for lunch and I met him too. They were so excited to see us, especially Gabba. It was really kind of great that Gabba was a part of this becasue it took a lot of the attention off of me..LOL! His parents absolutely loved Gabba and just kept talking about how tiny she was. After a little while his younger sibilings came home from school and I got to meet them too. That day we just relaxed at the house. Over the next few days we met a lot of people. They were so great, and so hilarious. While we were there we did a lot of site seeing. We went to Savannah, Georgia (an hour away) to go shopping in the mall because that was the closest mall and we aso went to Tybee island. We had such a great time. We went there to visit his sister who goes to college there.

      Greggs family is big on cooking and get togethers. His mothers house is the "hang-out" spot of the neighborhood. One night his mother cooked, another night they had a BBQ, and another a fish fry! It was really exciting. I had so much fun meeting everyone and just relaxing and having a good time.

     I took so many pictures while I was down there. LOL I am a picture-a-holic.

    It was really hard to leave because we were having such a great time. It was sad because we don't really know when the next time we will be able to see them is. On the way home we stopped at this place called SAVANNAH SWEETS in the mall. They had all kinds of sweets and i wanted to get some to take home. Then we were back on the road and on our wake back.

Is the Grass greener on the other side?

     Have you ever felt like life was moving so fast and just passing you by? That's how i have been feeling lately. I feel like im not in control of anything that is going on in my life and I don't like it. Things at home are getting better, but getting used to this whole mom and wife thing is hard at the age of 20. I can't believe that all of this has happened so fast.

       All the time i talk to my best friends and they tell me about college life and partying and all of that. Sometimes i feel like this is too much for me. I feel like that is where i am supposed to be. Living life and being a "kid". I mean dont get me wrong, i wouldn't change my life for anything, but sometimes i just wonder. I wonder what it would be like going to classes day in and day out. Hanging out with my old friends and the new friends that I would meet. Partying on the weeknds. Playing volleyball and basketball in college. As I start to think about those things, i also think about all the things that made me not go in the first place. In goi g off to college, I would have to take out student loans, I would have to work and go to school, so i wouldn'[t be able to hang out all of that much. Going to school back where I lived I would know a lot of people. I would meet some new people but the school was a small campus.

      After thinking about all of those things I think about why I chose to join the military. I wanted to get out and be able to see somewhere new. See new places, travel. In changing duty stations you would meet lots of new people. Also, I will admit, having a steady pay check is really great! Plus health benefits. Being able to step out on my own and stand on my own two feet without having to rely on anyone else. Yes I will admit that is does have it's down falls sometimes, but for the most part it reall isn't all that bad :).

    As I think about all the changes that my life has gone through the past 2 years, I am surprised how fast two years go by first of all, I am greatful for making it this far. My life is truley blessed. Although it seems out of control sometimes, I love it, and I always know that no matter what I have Gregg, gabba and my family and friends behind me to support me every day. So i know that everything is all right and I KNOW that I made the right decision!

Gabba Gabba Gabba :)

There has been a lot going on with Gabba since I last posted. SHe is growing fast. Things are getting better with her ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). Instead of being seen every week she is now being seen every 2 weeks. THis is a great sign :). It has been awhile since she has seen a doctor becasue they said that she didn't have to be seen so much (which was so exciting for me because the running was getting exhausting). I weighed hr today when we were at the hospital and she weighs 9lbs and 8oz. Getting so big. Today we have grown out of newborn diapers and into size 1. Also all of her newborn clothes are starting to get a little tighter. Hopefully she will be in 0-3mths soon. She is starting to get more personality and she is even beginnig to smile now. It is really exciting. She is getting a lot better with keeping her head up when being supported sitting. This Mom thing is so great. I thank God every day for my little miracle. She has really given me the motivation to become a better person in every way. I LOVE MY GABBA <3

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Gabrielle aka YO GABBA GABBA :)

Gabrielle is growing fast! As of last Tuesday she weighed 7lbs 2oz.

As of Tuesday her age corrected to 1mth....that means that even though she is 4mths old (as of Friday March 19h) she is really only at the developmental age of a 1mth old.  She is doing really great..BIG NEWS She got her monitor off Thursday! I was so happy to get rid of that thing. It is so much more fun no having to worry about carrying it aroud. Gabba has been doing great wthout it too. Also she is getting better at lifting and holding up her head. She is becoming more aware of the world around her. She is really a nosey baby. If she is awake she likes to be sitting up looking every where. Also, we have been practicing on focusing on things. We have been working with a rattle. I shake it until she looks at it then I move it so that she follows it with her eyes and she is getting very good at that. :oP

Things have been going great but we still have some bad news. When we went to the doctor on Tuesday, she told us that Gabrielle's MRI showed that she has cysts on the outside of the right side of her brain (aka PVL) Dr. Voldoka (Gabba's neonatologists) says that this isnt something that could be life threatining, but on top of her being a 26 week-er and being behind the learning power curve, this could possibily cause her some serious learning and developmental issues. Dr. Voldoka has advise me to not look up the meaning of  PVL because it only gives you the worse case senario, so for now we are going to take it one day at a time and go with the flow. Gabba will be fine no matter what! She is a strong girl :) well that's all for now....TTYL


Ok things have been getting really crazy lately. A little over two weeks ago, I went back to work. I went back not really knowing what job i was going to be doing because they were trying to move me around because I am the only one here to take care of my daughter right now. The night before I went back to work I was completely over whelmed. Between trying to make sure I was ready to go back to work, and trying to make sure that Gabba was ready for daycare. It was just really crazy. Going back to work wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, at first. Then things changed. Gabrielle started to have her appointmets and i was having to leave work and take her to the appointments. I was trying to struggle work, being a brand new mother, the apartment, the dogs, school, trying to go see her father when we could make the time, etc. Now they have changed my job and im going to be possibly be changing again this week into a whole new clinic. On top of that, we have leave coming up in the middle of April and middle of May. Our apartment lease is up at the end of May, so we are trying to decided if we want to pay 150 more for month to month or find another place to stay. We are also dealing with her father's divorce. Things are completely crazy, I say I'm fine and that I am holding it together but the truth is, I don't think I am doing such a great job. Gregg tells me that I am being realy wonderful through all of this..and I really am trying because I don't want to stress him because I know it is hard for him to be away from us, I just can't wait until he comes home Thursday! I am so looking foward to it. I hope that once he gets home things will get easier. We shall see. :) I know this may be really confusing to those of you all who may be reading this, but this was just an attempt to vent and destress :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Back to work ;-(

So Monday I started back working. It was hard because Gabba had decided that she didn't want me to go back and if i did she was going to make me exhausted. She had been really great about sleeping through the night. Starting Sunday night though...she decided that she wanted to not go to sleep until 12 or 1am...and if she did by chance go to bed earlier she would wake up at 1am and wouldn't want to go to sleep. I'm sort of getting used to it. It doesnn't seem all that bad, but we will see how I am feeling at the end of the week.
Newho, Monday Gabba also started her first day of daycare. I was so sad when I had to drop her off. I think if it wasn't for the fact that I had to go to work early, I could have sat there all day. One good thing though is that she has appointments during the week and I have to leave work and pick her up early. Which is great. Like yesterday I got off at noon becasue she had two appointments. They went very well. She is gaining weight very well. 6lbs 11oz YAY!! She is getting really great at holding her head up by herself. She is getting so big. She is also slowly getting to were she can kind of focus. She is getting so big. I just can't stop saying it! :) newho back to TTYL

Monday, March 1, 2010

Visitors from Illinois...

Things have been a little hard for me lately with everything going on. I have had so much stress on my plate, and it hasn't helped that I am so far away from my whole family. About the only support system that I have had out here has been Gabrielle's dad, and although he is completely GREAT, he is going through these things too so it just doesn't seem fair. I was so happy to find out that my sister and her 3 children were coming out here. They showed up this Sunday. It was great to see faces from back home. They will be staying here this week and i am so excited! Today we did some shopping and let the kids see the beach..but it was getting too cold and dark so we are going back another day! So looking foward to this week.! :)

Having Gabba Home

OH MY! I am ao thrilled that Gabba is home. She has been home a little over a week and things have been completely great. Still trying to get use to this whole being a mommy thing, but it is great. Never knew that I could love something this much. She is so tiny but is such a big part of my life. It has been great just relaxing with her at home. Wish her dad didn't have to work but he has other things that he has to take care of so its ok. Gabrielle is so beautiful. Sometimes I just sit and stare at her. She is so perfect. It has been a little crazy dealing with this heart monitor. It hasn't gone off too much, most of the time it is just the low battery alarm. Nights have been a little crazy because she has her days and night confused. Also she has a problem sleeping when the lights are off. The lights in the NICU were so bright that when its dark she can't sleep. We are taking it one day at a time though. Her dad has really been great during all of this. He has never really had any experience with baby but it seems like he is a natural. Gabba is his little twin, his little sidekick. He is always helping out. It is great. To be honest it really shocked me. Well more to come at a later date.

Wendy Czapla

Sunday, February 21, 2010


                    It doesn't even seem real. She is really home!!!!!  After 3 long months, Gabba is really home. The last couple of days have been really great. She is on a great feeding schedule, THANK YOU NICU! We have had a lot of bonding time. He dad has bee really great! She came home on the monitor, but it's ok. We will deal with it!

                 The dogs are a little confused about what exactly is going on but i think they like her. They get really concerned when she cries. It's so funny. Her dad has been great. He even wakes up in the middle of the night with me! Which i personally didn't think was going to happen. She has taken to being home very well. She is trying to get us to hold her all  the time andspoil her, and im not going to lie, the temptation is there, but the i have to remind myself that's a bad idea. Well i'll keep you updated! Got to go mix some milk for her feeding! :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Well for those of you who have been following know that it has been a rough couple of weeks. A lot of ups and downs about Gabba's discharge and what not. We did end up canceling the baby shower two weekends ago. We were worried about the weather. It is rescheduled for this weekend! I am so excited..but even more exciting than that Gabba will be able to be there!!! Yes FINALLY! tonight we are rooming in at the hospital and she will be discharged tomorrow! She is going home on a monitor which is really sucky but its ok..we will be fine! I am just excited that she is finally coming home! Well Goodnight for some sleep to get to before she wakes up for her next feed!! :)
Thank you Janice about your comment on my last post!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Baby Shower

This weekend is supposed to be my Baby Shower. One of my co-workers found out that I wasn't having one so decided to plan one for me. That was so awesome. I am so excited. Bad news is that there is a snow storm that is supposed to come in. I'm really worried because if it snows it is going to be canceled until further notice. Keep your fingers crossed for me please. I'm really excited. If it is postponed though it will be in 2 weeks and Gabba will be able to be there. IDK either way is fine. I just really dont want it to snow!


Ok....On Tuesday when I came to the hospital to see GABBA, the nurse told me I would be taking her home Thursday. The doctor came over an confirmed it. I was so excited. I called everyone, texted everyone, put it on my facebook status. I was so excited. 2 hours later I came over to see her again and they told me she had a bradycardia episode. Bradycardia is when the heart rate drops, it beats slowly. (Brady=slow ; Cardia = Heart) When she has those episdoes her clock restarts and we have to wait 5 more days until she can come home. Which that means she would come home Monday. Well now the doctors are concerned about how she has been having a few bradycardia episodes and desats. They also are a little concerned she might have an infection in her lungs. I don't even know what the plan is now. They were mentioning something about going home on a monitor. Which could be on for weeks. I'm so lost right now. So just......lost. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do. It's been 11 weeks and when we finally start to see the light at the end of the tunnel we realize it was just a lantern hanging in the distance. I'm so ugghhhhh..............

Monday, February 1, 2010


It has been a long 10 weeks so far and now we are going into week 11. I can't believe that she is this old already. Time flies. I guess it's harder to believe because she has been in the NICU this time. She was so small when she was born. It's hard to believe that the little girl I saw on November 19th, 2009 hours after having her, is the same big little girl that I take out of her crib everyday. Each day she grows bigger, and is doing better. She is now 4lbs 14oz! As of yesterday they took out her feeding tube, well actually SHE took out her feeding tube, they just left it out because she is on all bottle feeds now. It won't be too much longer now until she comes home. We just have a few more hurdles then it's smooth sailing. I can't wait. :) <3 GO GABBA GO GABBA!! <3

Snow in VA

This weekend started out pretty normal.....then it went from good to horrible in no time. As you all might have noticed it snowed. Which is a pretty normal thing for me due to the fact that I am from the Mid-west, but for some reason the whole Hampton Roads area freaked out. Before hand i didn't think it was going to be this bad, but now I know, this area isn't prepared for snow. Everything was closing early. The roads looked horrible as they still do. Even military bases were shut down. It's all a little crazy to me. Be safe out there everyone.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

One day at a time....

  This past week has been very busy. Class, work, seeing Gabba in the NICU, home life, volunteering, etc. Things have been getting a little overwhelming. I'm hoping things get better when my daughter comes home. I have been so stressed being away from her. Wondering how she is doing, has her cold gotten any better, how has she done on her bottle feeds, have the doctors made any changes. It's hard.

                   After I had her it was really hard because I didn't get to have any of those normal mommy and baby moments. I didn't get to have her lay on my chest after they delivered her. I had to wait hours before I could actually go see her and then I couldn't even hold her. All I could do was stick my hands through the holes in her isolette and gently touch her. Touch her little hands, little feet, little face, which I couldn't even really see because it was all covered with tape holding in her breathing tube. It was really scary.

 My baby was only 1lb 12.5oz and 13in. Such I tiny little thing. Never thought I could love something that little that much. The next day my parents and my younger sister got here after a 16 hour drive from back home. It was so great being able to see them after so long. At first I didn't even tell my family I was pregnant. I went home in August and was almost 3mths pregnant. I didn't tell anyone but my best friends. It wasn't until I came back to VA that I told them.

Newho, At first I was really depressed when I got out of the  hospital, I couldn' t be by here whenever I wanted and I didn't have the security of being right down the hallway from her all day. I felt guilty when I left the hospital because I felt as if I was being a bad parent by not being there 24/7. I felt wrong for going places without her. The weekend after I got out of the hospital we went with my parents to the beach, it was their first time because we have lived in the midwest our whole lives, I was so sad because she wasn't there with me. Even though I was having a great time with my family, I still was sad on the inside. It felt as if everything made me think of her and when I did it usually made me cry.

 I sometimes blamed myself for having her so early. I felt as if it was my fault. As if there was something I could have done to have prevented this from happening. After awhile, and with the help of her father, it got easier, slowly but surely got easier. People say that I might have been going through post-partum depression and her being in the NICU wasn't making the situation any better. Whether that was the case or not I got through it and I am so happy to this day how the situation is. It made me a stronger person and made us a stronger family.

Now my baby is 9 weeks old, 4lbs 5oz and 16inches. She is eating off a bottle 2 times a day and is growing everyday. Hopefully she will be home in the next couple of weeks. I totally can't wait. well that's all for now!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

volunteer work....

           Volunteer work is sort of mandatory in the Navy. LOL. It doesn't mean that it isn't something that we enjoy though. I have been looking for somewhere to volunteer and I finally found a place. I currently volunteer with the Cat Corner and I go out to there Petco location and clean the cat cages and play with them.

My training day was Thursday where they taught me what to do (which wasn't that hard), so now every Tuesday I go to that location and take care of the cats. I think I am really going to enjoy it. The cats are so great. I hope that they will get a great home. SO IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED LET ME KNOW!!

                                 Volunteering isn't just benificial for the people I am helping, but it is beneficial for myself also. It's great to know that I am helping out. Especially with pets. People sometimes over look volunteering for places like this and these are places that need a lot of help. I'm not saying that other places that deal with other things aren't great but it's good for me because after dealing with people all day at work it's nice to spend some time away from them. It also feels good to socialize them and see how much they change; from being shy and not really wanting to be held, to being able to jump in your lap or walk on a leash (which I never knew that you could do with a cat..LOL)

These cats are great though. Just spending the first day with them I know they are wonderful and going to make great pets someday. I can't wait to go back next week. Might just stop by this weekend to see how they are doing :) well that's it for now.


Thursday, January 14, 2010


So I just found out that one of my coworkers and dear friends will be flying to Maryland tomorrow to board the USS Comfort that will be leaving for HAITI on Saturday. I think it is such a wonderful thing that they are going and i ask that you all please keep him, HM3 CALIM, and all of the other military members that are going to help Haiti, in your prayers. He has just recently had a child so please pray for his wife in this trying time and pray that he returns back to her safely!


My Little Angel....

         On November the 19th 2009 I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl, Gabrielle V.V. Kent. I was only 26 weeks pregnant which means she was 14 weeks early. She was only 1lb 12.5oz and 13inches when she was born. Just a little bitty thing. After I delivered they rushed her to the NICU and I waitied in my delievery room for 4 hours before I was able to go see her. That was the longest 4 hours in my whole life. As they wheeled me over to the NICU I was so scared about what I was going to see. When I first walked in, all I saw was a isolette with a cover over it. As I lifted the cover I saw her. she was really red, had a tube coming out of her mouth. Her eyes weren't open. She looked like a tiny doll. She was beautiful! There have been a lot of ups and downs since that day, but it has all turned out for the best so far. It has been 8 weeks now and she is doing great. She is 3lbs 11oz, no longer is on oxygen, doesn't have to be in the isolette any more, and we have been working on bottle feeding with her. She is truley a miracle! At first i wondered why it was that God made this happen, why me? After these past 8 weeks, I still don't know why, but I have faith in his plan and I thank him for giving her to me. I just can't wait until I will be able to bring her home, but all in due time. <3 LOVE GABBA <3

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This is the first assignment that I completed for my class. It was our introduction!! :)
Hello everyone,

        My name is Wendy Czapla. I am 19 years old and a Corpsman in the United States Navy. I have been in for 17 months. I am currently stationed at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth. I am a very family orientated person. I am one of 8 children and I have just about 21 nieces and nephews that I love dearly. On November 19th, 2009 I had my first child, a daughter, Gabrielle. She is truley a blessing. (You can find out more about her on my blog because I will probably be talking about her 24/7) I also have two puppies that are like my children, Smoke and Sissyie, both Pitbull/Terrier mixes. My past time hobbies are playing sports. My favorite sports by far are softball and basketball. This is my first year taking any college courses and also my first year taking an online course so this is all extremely new to me. I hope that this semester will be a great experience and that I will meet a lot of new interesting people.


Wendy Czapla