Saturday, May 8, 2010


   Everyone in knows what facebook is and almost everyone who has one is addicted to it. LOL I know I am. I have no idea what it is about facebook, but it is so interesting. I love using facebook to chat with old friends, to find old friends and post pictures of GABBA so her family can see since we are so far away from everybody. I check it eveyday wondering if someone sent me a message, commented one my picture or post, and just to see what everyone else is up to. I guess you can say facebook for me is like greggs video games. LOL

   I am always careful about the things I put on facebook because it is an online social network that could b dangerous. There are so many predators out there that are waiting for you to mess up so that they can hack your stuff and steal your information. So remember to always be careful about the information you share.


   It has always amazed me how guys are so into video games. Whether it be sports games, killing games, pokemon type games, XBOX, PS3, DS etc. I just don't know what it is that is so intriguing. How can guys sit on a games for hours at a time and never get bored.

    Gregg and his friends are so into playing CALL OF DUTY. They play it online, they have there little headset to talk to eachother. It is really funny. They can stay on the game all night and all day. They would probably never stop if they didn't have to work. LOL

   So what is it that is so interesting about video games? Can someone please tell me? Is playing a video game to boys like shopping is to girls? LOL

  I'm just wondering. I try to watch Gregg play all the time but after so long it is just so boring. Really, how can you play 10 football games in a row on XBOX?

  I might never understand what it it that is so interesting, but I'd rather Gregg have that one, then some of these other hobbies guys have. Maybe one day I might eve try to play it myself? We shall see. That's it for now :) <3

My baby sister...

   I almost cried last night when my little sister texted me a picture of herself about to go to prom. She was all dolled up, with her pretty blue dress, hair done, etc.  She loooked so beautiful, so grown up. It is still hard for me to believe that she is a senior this year. I can still remember growing up sharing a room with her. Playing barbies, watching our favorite tv shows, and fighting over EVERTHING! lol. It doesn't even seem like that long ago. Now she is a senior. Straight A student, in every club you can think of and the some, softball player, valedictorian, and still my baby sister. I don't think that she knows how proud I am of her. I tell her all the time but I don't think that she truley understands. I love her so much and I am so proud of the young lady that she has become today!!! Now she is going to graduate on May 18th 2010, and I am so happy that I will get to be there, even though I have missed so much. Then she is off to IOWA STATE!!!


  These past two months i have been playing volleyball on an intermural team on base. I was really excited to get started because I hadn't been playing sports for so long. I really missed being so active and playing a sport that i love. I started out playing volleyball when i was in middle school. I had never really thought about playing on a team but when i was in gym one day we were playing volleyball. One of the volleyball coaches was our p.e. teacher. When she saw me playing she told me that I should try ut for the team. I did and I have been playing ever since. I feel in loved with the game. It kept me active, moving, and i could direct all of my extra energy that had towards it. I grew to love the game more and more each year. It was just so fun to me. Out of high school I had a scholarship to go play at a private university. Even to this day I sort of wish that I had taken them up on their offer, but then I remember why i didn't and look at my life I have and i'm grateful that I made the decision that I did. So for now I play on my intermural team. ... :) <3

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First time Parents

          When our daughter was born she was so small and so fragile. Even more than the normal newborn because she was a preemie. Born at 26 weeks weighing 1lb 12.5 oz, Gabrielle was our miracle. We never imagined that the pregnancy would turn out like this. I had a normal pregnancy with no major issues up until the few weeks before she was born. It was sad becuase we didn't even get to hold her until days after she came into the world. we could barely touch her. When we did get to hold her for the first time, it was very scary. She was so tiny and almost fit in the palm of my hand. As each day went by, we got to hold her more and got more comfortable with her size. I had been around a lot of babies before so I knew the basic, unlike her dad. It was so cute watching him put on her diaper or putting her binky in her mouth. It seemed really weird but being able to do the slightest thing with her meant the world. For a couple of hours a day I was able to be mommy and he was able to be daddy. It is what got us through. I was so glad they didn't move her to a different hospital like they talked about before she was born. It was great having her right down the hall while I was at work.

         When she was able to come home, it was the best feeling in the world. I felt like i had just given birth, and like i was bringing my baby home for the first time like normal parents do. I loved being home with her everyday. I was home for three whole weeks just relaxing with my baby girl. Daddy looked foward to coming home everyday an spending time with us. Gabrielle is the light of our life. As the days go by, it is hard to believe that she has grown so much. Each day is a miracle all its own. Being able to hold her, play with her, laugh, feed her, change her diaper, or just lay around and relax with her.

     Yes at time it gets really hard, like when she stays up all night and you have to be to work early, or when she has three doctors appointments in one week, all on different days, or when she throws up every where, but even all those things make it great. Being a first time parent is great.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


On top of everything else that has been going on, i have also transferred departments in the hospital and I work in a clinic now instead of the inpatient ward. I have only been down here about 2 weeks and I think i already have the hang of things. It is very interesting and I am learning a lot of new skills. It is nice being able to see a lot of people in one day. Up on the ward it felt as if we were secluded from everyone else. We felt so apart from everyone else. It was kind of cool because we weren't bothered by many people, but we also didn't know when things were happening (like potlucks and bake sales). So it is kind of interesting being donw (not on the fourth floor) where everything is happening. I am loving the patient care that we do down here. You get to see a lot of new and interesting things, watching minor procedures and what not. There is a lot going on in this clinic. A lot of people doing a lot of things so i am learning a lot. I have only been here barely 2 weeks and im already going solo (as a corpsman). I have a year left here so ill be running this place by the time I leave. LOL well thats all for now.


Friday, April 23, 2010


Last week we went on vacation for the first time since August 2009. We went down to a small town called Lyons, Georgia to visit Gregg's family. It was very nerve wrecking to me because it was the first time I was meeting the family. Although I had taked to his mother all the time on the phone all the time, and also his sisters, it was just meeting them face to face. We decided to drive down there, which was very interesting. It was an 8 hour drive from Virginia to Georgia. We got there at about 345 in the morning so we just called it a night because we were so tired. The next morning we went to his mother's house and met her and then his step-father came home for lunch and I met him too. They were so excited to see us, especially Gabba. It was really kind of great that Gabba was a part of this becasue it took a lot of the attention off of me..LOL! His parents absolutely loved Gabba and just kept talking about how tiny she was. After a little while his younger sibilings came home from school and I got to meet them too. That day we just relaxed at the house. Over the next few days we met a lot of people. They were so great, and so hilarious. While we were there we did a lot of site seeing. We went to Savannah, Georgia (an hour away) to go shopping in the mall because that was the closest mall and we aso went to Tybee island. We had such a great time. We went there to visit his sister who goes to college there.

      Greggs family is big on cooking and get togethers. His mothers house is the "hang-out" spot of the neighborhood. One night his mother cooked, another night they had a BBQ, and another a fish fry! It was really exciting. I had so much fun meeting everyone and just relaxing and having a good time.

     I took so many pictures while I was down there. LOL I am a picture-a-holic.

    It was really hard to leave because we were having such a great time. It was sad because we don't really know when the next time we will be able to see them is. On the way home we stopped at this place called SAVANNAH SWEETS in the mall. They had all kinds of sweets and i wanted to get some to take home. Then we were back on the road and on our wake back.