Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First time Parents

          When our daughter was born she was so small and so fragile. Even more than the normal newborn because she was a preemie. Born at 26 weeks weighing 1lb 12.5 oz, Gabrielle was our miracle. We never imagined that the pregnancy would turn out like this. I had a normal pregnancy with no major issues up until the few weeks before she was born. It was sad becuase we didn't even get to hold her until days after she came into the world. we could barely touch her. When we did get to hold her for the first time, it was very scary. She was so tiny and almost fit in the palm of my hand. As each day went by, we got to hold her more and got more comfortable with her size. I had been around a lot of babies before so I knew the basic, unlike her dad. It was so cute watching him put on her diaper or putting her binky in her mouth. It seemed really weird but being able to do the slightest thing with her meant the world. For a couple of hours a day I was able to be mommy and he was able to be daddy. It is what got us through. I was so glad they didn't move her to a different hospital like they talked about before she was born. It was great having her right down the hall while I was at work.

         When she was able to come home, it was the best feeling in the world. I felt like i had just given birth, and like i was bringing my baby home for the first time like normal parents do. I loved being home with her everyday. I was home for three whole weeks just relaxing with my baby girl. Daddy looked foward to coming home everyday an spending time with us. Gabrielle is the light of our life. As the days go by, it is hard to believe that she has grown so much. Each day is a miracle all its own. Being able to hold her, play with her, laugh, feed her, change her diaper, or just lay around and relax with her.

     Yes at time it gets really hard, like when she stays up all night and you have to be to work early, or when she has three doctors appointments in one week, all on different days, or when she throws up every where, but even all those things make it great. Being a first time parent is great.

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