Sunday, February 21, 2010


                    It doesn't even seem real. She is really home!!!!!  After 3 long months, Gabba is really home. The last couple of days have been really great. She is on a great feeding schedule, THANK YOU NICU! We have had a lot of bonding time. He dad has bee really great! She came home on the monitor, but it's ok. We will deal with it!

                 The dogs are a little confused about what exactly is going on but i think they like her. They get really concerned when she cries. It's so funny. Her dad has been great. He even wakes up in the middle of the night with me! Which i personally didn't think was going to happen. She has taken to being home very well. She is trying to get us to hold her all  the time andspoil her, and im not going to lie, the temptation is there, but the i have to remind myself that's a bad idea. Well i'll keep you updated! Got to go mix some milk for her feeding! :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Well for those of you who have been following know that it has been a rough couple of weeks. A lot of ups and downs about Gabba's discharge and what not. We did end up canceling the baby shower two weekends ago. We were worried about the weather. It is rescheduled for this weekend! I am so excited..but even more exciting than that Gabba will be able to be there!!! Yes FINALLY! tonight we are rooming in at the hospital and she will be discharged tomorrow! She is going home on a monitor which is really sucky but its ok..we will be fine! I am just excited that she is finally coming home! Well Goodnight for some sleep to get to before she wakes up for her next feed!! :)
Thank you Janice about your comment on my last post!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Baby Shower

This weekend is supposed to be my Baby Shower. One of my co-workers found out that I wasn't having one so decided to plan one for me. That was so awesome. I am so excited. Bad news is that there is a snow storm that is supposed to come in. I'm really worried because if it snows it is going to be canceled until further notice. Keep your fingers crossed for me please. I'm really excited. If it is postponed though it will be in 2 weeks and Gabba will be able to be there. IDK either way is fine. I just really dont want it to snow!


Ok....On Tuesday when I came to the hospital to see GABBA, the nurse told me I would be taking her home Thursday. The doctor came over an confirmed it. I was so excited. I called everyone, texted everyone, put it on my facebook status. I was so excited. 2 hours later I came over to see her again and they told me she had a bradycardia episode. Bradycardia is when the heart rate drops, it beats slowly. (Brady=slow ; Cardia = Heart) When she has those episdoes her clock restarts and we have to wait 5 more days until she can come home. Which that means she would come home Monday. Well now the doctors are concerned about how she has been having a few bradycardia episodes and desats. They also are a little concerned she might have an infection in her lungs. I don't even know what the plan is now. They were mentioning something about going home on a monitor. Which could be on for weeks. I'm so lost right now. So just......lost. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to do. It's been 11 weeks and when we finally start to see the light at the end of the tunnel we realize it was just a lantern hanging in the distance. I'm so ugghhhhh..............

Monday, February 1, 2010


It has been a long 10 weeks so far and now we are going into week 11. I can't believe that she is this old already. Time flies. I guess it's harder to believe because she has been in the NICU this time. She was so small when she was born. It's hard to believe that the little girl I saw on November 19th, 2009 hours after having her, is the same big little girl that I take out of her crib everyday. Each day she grows bigger, and is doing better. She is now 4lbs 14oz! As of yesterday they took out her feeding tube, well actually SHE took out her feeding tube, they just left it out because she is on all bottle feeds now. It won't be too much longer now until she comes home. We just have a few more hurdles then it's smooth sailing. I can't wait. :) <3 GO GABBA GO GABBA!! <3

Snow in VA

This weekend started out pretty normal.....then it went from good to horrible in no time. As you all might have noticed it snowed. Which is a pretty normal thing for me due to the fact that I am from the Mid-west, but for some reason the whole Hampton Roads area freaked out. Before hand i didn't think it was going to be this bad, but now I know, this area isn't prepared for snow. Everything was closing early. The roads looked horrible as they still do. Even military bases were shut down. It's all a little crazy to me. Be safe out there everyone.