Friday, April 23, 2010


Last week we went on vacation for the first time since August 2009. We went down to a small town called Lyons, Georgia to visit Gregg's family. It was very nerve wrecking to me because it was the first time I was meeting the family. Although I had taked to his mother all the time on the phone all the time, and also his sisters, it was just meeting them face to face. We decided to drive down there, which was very interesting. It was an 8 hour drive from Virginia to Georgia. We got there at about 345 in the morning so we just called it a night because we were so tired. The next morning we went to his mother's house and met her and then his step-father came home for lunch and I met him too. They were so excited to see us, especially Gabba. It was really kind of great that Gabba was a part of this becasue it took a lot of the attention off of me..LOL! His parents absolutely loved Gabba and just kept talking about how tiny she was. After a little while his younger sibilings came home from school and I got to meet them too. That day we just relaxed at the house. Over the next few days we met a lot of people. They were so great, and so hilarious. While we were there we did a lot of site seeing. We went to Savannah, Georgia (an hour away) to go shopping in the mall because that was the closest mall and we aso went to Tybee island. We had such a great time. We went there to visit his sister who goes to college there.

      Greggs family is big on cooking and get togethers. His mothers house is the "hang-out" spot of the neighborhood. One night his mother cooked, another night they had a BBQ, and another a fish fry! It was really exciting. I had so much fun meeting everyone and just relaxing and having a good time.

     I took so many pictures while I was down there. LOL I am a picture-a-holic.

    It was really hard to leave because we were having such a great time. It was sad because we don't really know when the next time we will be able to see them is. On the way home we stopped at this place called SAVANNAH SWEETS in the mall. They had all kinds of sweets and i wanted to get some to take home. Then we were back on the road and on our wake back.

Is the Grass greener on the other side?

     Have you ever felt like life was moving so fast and just passing you by? That's how i have been feeling lately. I feel like im not in control of anything that is going on in my life and I don't like it. Things at home are getting better, but getting used to this whole mom and wife thing is hard at the age of 20. I can't believe that all of this has happened so fast.

       All the time i talk to my best friends and they tell me about college life and partying and all of that. Sometimes i feel like this is too much for me. I feel like that is where i am supposed to be. Living life and being a "kid". I mean dont get me wrong, i wouldn't change my life for anything, but sometimes i just wonder. I wonder what it would be like going to classes day in and day out. Hanging out with my old friends and the new friends that I would meet. Partying on the weeknds. Playing volleyball and basketball in college. As I start to think about those things, i also think about all the things that made me not go in the first place. In goi g off to college, I would have to take out student loans, I would have to work and go to school, so i wouldn'[t be able to hang out all of that much. Going to school back where I lived I would know a lot of people. I would meet some new people but the school was a small campus.

      After thinking about all of those things I think about why I chose to join the military. I wanted to get out and be able to see somewhere new. See new places, travel. In changing duty stations you would meet lots of new people. Also, I will admit, having a steady pay check is really great! Plus health benefits. Being able to step out on my own and stand on my own two feet without having to rely on anyone else. Yes I will admit that is does have it's down falls sometimes, but for the most part it reall isn't all that bad :).

    As I think about all the changes that my life has gone through the past 2 years, I am surprised how fast two years go by first of all, I am greatful for making it this far. My life is truley blessed. Although it seems out of control sometimes, I love it, and I always know that no matter what I have Gregg, gabba and my family and friends behind me to support me every day. So i know that everything is all right and I KNOW that I made the right decision!

Gabba Gabba Gabba :)

There has been a lot going on with Gabba since I last posted. SHe is growing fast. Things are getting better with her ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). Instead of being seen every week she is now being seen every 2 weeks. THis is a great sign :). It has been awhile since she has seen a doctor becasue they said that she didn't have to be seen so much (which was so exciting for me because the running was getting exhausting). I weighed hr today when we were at the hospital and she weighs 9lbs and 8oz. Getting so big. Today we have grown out of newborn diapers and into size 1. Also all of her newborn clothes are starting to get a little tighter. Hopefully she will be in 0-3mths soon. She is starting to get more personality and she is even beginnig to smile now. It is really exciting. She is getting a lot better with keeping her head up when being supported sitting. This Mom thing is so great. I thank God every day for my little miracle. She has really given me the motivation to become a better person in every way. I LOVE MY GABBA <3